









Eleventh Judicial Circuit; Miami, Florida


$81,545.每年79 *


The essential function of the Court Reporting 服务 Man年龄r position within the organization is to ensure that all 法院 reporting needs of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit, 法院行政办事处(AOC), 管理, 有组织的, and met by the Court Reporting 服务 Unit in accordance with statutory requirements and operational application. 这包括每月提供法庭报告服务组的最新情况, 包括但不限于合同供应商分配, 包含音频文件请求数的单元统计, 审核发票, 每月备份音频, 设备需求, 以及其他相关信息. The Man年龄r is responsible for keeping abreast of 法院 reporting initiatives throughout the state and nationally by involving themselves in the statewide communication group and researching technological advancements in this area. The Man年龄r is responsible for drafting and maintaining updated policy and procedure manuals for the Unit and assessing protocols and Circuit needs to assist in developing a vision for Unit functions regarding 法院 reporting advancements. This position is responsible for conducting periodic internal and external training on 法院 reporting processes, 与法院合同供应商沟通, 监督下属. 经理与引用保持联系, 法官, 司董事, 总法律顾问办公室, 新闻主任, 行政工作人员, 拉菲2平台用户登录, 和持份者,支持AOC和Unit的使命. 

The position works under the direct supervision of the Director of Court Operations (DCO) and closely with the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and/or designee.

Working Conditions: Moderate noise; business office setting.

体力要求:工作需要大量站立, 走, 坐着, 会说话的, 听, and reaching with hands and arms; must be able to transfer up to 10 pounds.


协调和监督巡回法院的日常报告事项和活动, including but not limited to contracted firms’ assignments and in-house 法院 reporting audio file requests.


作为法庭报告服务的行政谘询委员会代表向公众提供资料, 法院, 社区利益相关者.

与引用帮助台一起工作, monitor and correct all Helpdesk tickets related to circuit-wide Court Reporting matters and/or dam年龄d equipment. 提供一级和/或二级技术支持.

提供简洁的报告, 下面的分析, 提供的趋势, 根据需要提供建议和解决方案.

Initiates performance improvement measures if independent contractor is non-compliant with legal and administrative contract requirements.

提供月度和季度的合规标准报告或根据需要. 保存法庭报告相关问题的统计数据,如报告的问题, 供应商合规性和不合规性, 该股负责地区的现况, 反映机组性能的数据, 性能的措施, 及其他与法庭报告服务有关的事宜.

整合每月法庭报告服务的统计数据, including Helpdesk ticket reports provided by 引用 and monthly Uniform Data Reporting to the Office of State Courts Administrator (OSCA).

Assists in the processing of all invoices related to Court Reporting 服务 and transcripts working closely with the AOC Administrative 服务 Division to monitor contract compliance for payment and monthly auditing of payments received for audio files requested.

Travels/reports to Circuit 法院houses 根据需要 to assist with Court Reporting related projects, 会议, 问题, 和/或任务.

为庭内使用和培训准备内容并提供帮助助手, 并为新的数字法庭报告操作员提供培训, 司法人员轮调, 还有其他需要的.

Ope利率 digital 法院 recording equipment and produces the official record of 法院 proceedings 根据需要.

Provides additional Court Reporting 服务 support in the case of emergency and is prepared to work outside of typical 法院 facility hours 根据需要.

Produces and maintains a Unit policy 和程序 manual and other manuals containing Court Reporting 服务 信息.

Produces or revises Unit’s Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) on a yearly basis or 根据需要.

Maintains stor年龄 and inventory of Court Reporting equipment and provides quarterly updates to the DCO and CIO of due process inventory.

Requests Court Reporting equipment to facilitate the continuity of 法院 proceedings.

Produces and maintains an equipment refresh schedule and provides it on a yearly basis to the DCO and CIO.


参加会议, 培训, and meets with 法院 personnel to represent the AOC and Court and to ensure proper functioning of Court Reporting matters. 发起客户调查.

Keeps current with advances in the field and reports technological updates in monthly reports.

Provides supervision and training to subordinates and produces timely yearly evaluations as required.

Provides recommendations for the vision and goals of the Circuit’s Court Reporting needs and in relation to the budget.

屏蔽电话和访客, 提供信息, 解决问题, 并引导来电者/访客到适当的工作人员或记录留言.



刑事司法或政治学学士学位, 律师助理, 速记, 企业管理, 计算机科学, 或者一个密切相关的领域.  





数据责任:编译, 转录, 标签, 商店, 检查, 组织, 并评估数据以生成结构化报告, 信息, 并根据结果提出行动建议.

People Responsibility:  Responsible for the supervision of subordinates and providing timely performance evaluations and corrective plans, 如果需要. Responsible for the prompt communication of Court Reporting 服务 successes or 问题 to AOC administration, 致部门员工, 引用, 及行政法官, 根据需要. Aids the AOC and Judicial staff, 法院机构合作伙伴和利益相关者, 公众, 根据需要.  代表AOC作为与独立承包公司和利益相关者的联络人.

资产责任:要求对正当程序设备库存负责, 设备监控, 并报告问题或损坏设备. 必须与引用部门密切合作以审查设备需求, 软件需求, 并确保将联检组的技术预算需要记录在案, 包括单位合同的维护和合同的遵守. 

数学要求:使用加法, 减法, 乘法, and division; may compute ratios, 利率, 和9.

沟通要求:阅读技术期刊, 摘要, 财务报告, 以及法律文件. Must be familiar with complex transcripts and other 法院-related 法院 reporting matters. 根据需要准备报告. 与行政主管及司法人员有效沟通, 法院机构合作伙伴和利益相关者, 公众, 根据需要. 必须准备好在需要时提供沟通. 

Requires the accurate use of the English langu年龄, grammar, punctuation, and spelling. 具有清晰的口头和书面沟通能力. 

工作的复杂性:执行涉及准备单元指导方针的工作, 政策, 和程序, 以及以下指导方针, AOC的政策和程序以及法院的规则,并不断解决问题.  需要不断的, 密切关注准确的结果或经常暴露在不同的环境中.  必须为法庭报告服务提供工作协助和培训资料.

I决策的影响:做出影响政策和合同谈判的决策. 能够使用多种微软办公软件, 包括但不限于Excel, 词, 和前景. 能够浏览网页和互联网. 

设备用途:使用电脑, 监控, 笔记本电脑, 麦克风, 手机, 复印机, and other related office equipment and 法院 reporting equipment which is involved with 法院 reporting matters. Ability to work on several types of software or custom software associated with Unit. 

Safety of Others: Requires some responsibility for the safety of others and/or for enforcement of the standards of public safety


*Salary will include a Competitive Area Differential (CAD) pay additive amount of $336.每月92.


薪水不容商量. 成功的候选人将以最低工资聘用.

This position is eligible for a hybrid remote work/onsite schedule after a 90-day period, 根据现有的巡回法庭政策和程序.

The Florida State Courts System offers a comprehensive selection of State of Florida employee benefits: membership in the Florida Retirement System, 可选择参加有补贴的健康保险计划, 选修生活课程, 牙科, 和伤残保险计划, 还有定期付费人寿保险.


了解更多信息和申请, 请访问佛罗里达州第十一司法巡回法院就业网站  www.jud11.fl法院s.org.

Submit an application through the Circuit’s website; click the job title and apply now.




有关招聘广告的更多信息,请联系人力资源部, 莫尼克·埃斯蒂维尔,电话305-349-7351.



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